2024 Theme: Grow

To grow means to develop and to enrich. Together we will learn new skills and expand our perspectives. 2024 is a year to plant the seeds of creativity and nurture them into blooms that we all can enjoy. Help us till the soil of our community, we cannot do this alone.


Embracing growth in the heart of Marquette, our 2024 theme is inspired by the relocation of the City’s Office of Arts & Culture to the future cultural trailhead and center. We are eager to serve and empower our local community through the continued development of creative opportunities. From Art Week to the Public Art Program, Artists in Excellence to the Annual Art Awards; we invite Marquette to engage with local arts and culture year-round as audience, artists, and advocates.  

When dreaming up ideas for this year’s Art Week, consider how “grow” presents itself in your own life. Have you experienced development in your creative practice or perhaps helped others discover new skills? How has Marquette changed in the time you’ve lived here? Have your perspectives shifted in your lifetime? Is there a seasonal element to your growth? What sort of legacy do you hope our community leaves for future generations?

Visit the Art Week Homepage for more information about this year’s event, June 24-29

Congratulations to Avery Jade Graham, our 2024 cover artist!