Words to Live and Bike By - Persevere

Words to Live and Bike By - Persevere


 Marquette, MI, 49855

Artist: Amelia Pruiett
Word and proposal submitted by Lee Pyper

“I like the idea of the word “Persevere” being present near the medical centers the bike trail goes by, because all too often people in recovery are told to maintain this excessive level of positivity, even when they are suffering. This affirmation/directive is intended to encourage people to keep pushing on, no matter the challenges they face.” – Pyper

Pyper was unable to travel to Marquette for the actual painting, so City staff-member Amelia Pruiett stepped in to complete the mural with her own artistic interpretation of the design.

“I felt that the design spoke to the beauty found in hardship and suffering. To Persevere is defined as: ‘to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement’. It implies action towards a brighter future, it projects hope in the face of adversity. It blooms as a sprig of affirmation for all users of this path. Users of all ages, abilities, and circumstances. People who are persevering through long term care of a loved one undergoing medical treatment or through the journey of securing permanent housing. Persevering through their final year of school or the second half of their shift in the OR. Persevering through the first mile of many on their run or perhaps through the negative voices in their own head. We’re all persevering through adversity towards an end goal. The native wildflowers depicted serve to remind us of the collective perseverance. The hope for a brighter future and that we are not here simply to endure the difficulties and misfortunes, but to persevere with action towards a selfless, patient, and generous society.” – Pruiett


Amelia Pruiett is a local illustrator and works in the City of Marquette Office of Arts and Culture.
Lee Pyper is an artist from Kalamazoo, MI

This is the second round of The Words to Live and Bike By project: text-inspired, site-specific murals on the surface of the Holly Greer Bike Path in Marquette. Applicants were asked to submit words and accompanying design proposals inspired by selected sites. This project was funded by the City of Marquette Public Art Commission and coordinated by the City Office of Arts & Culture.

Medium type: Exterior Acrylic Latex Paint

Date created: August 2023

Location Info

Marquette, MI, 49855