Start the Cycle is a cycling team program that introduces at risk youth to a life full of success through winter fat tire and summer mountain biking. The volunteers and mentors provide the structure for participants to achieve goals and have a sense of belonging. The goal of the program is to complete the 906 Polar Roll Fat Tire Bike Race in February and the Ore 2 Shore Epic Mountain Bike Race in August.
At risk teens can benefit from mentoring and challenge based goals that enable them to experience success. The participants are supported by volunteers, donors, mentors and role models from the community as they progress through the program.
By providing positive experiences for participants, other objectives of the program include improving the youth’s grades in school, establishing goals, expanding social skills and building trust. Monitoring on both an individual and group basis is recorded weekly, reviewed and evaluated by the 25th Circuit Court, Family Division, and volunteer coordinators responsible for the individual and group activities.
The youth meet weekly for biking experiences, team building activities and outdoor mountain biking. Group discussions will emphasize the value of teamwork, achievement through effort, the need for boundaries, establishing goals, and planning to achieve those goals. Strict rules of conduct will be followed for the privilege to participate.

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