What is Masonry? 

FREEMASONRY is first and foremost a fraternity. It is also “ A Way of Life.” The brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God is primary – this means that its activities should always be designed to promote friendship, morality and brotherly love.

Freemasonry is a unique institution that has been a major part of community life in America for over two hundred and fifty (250) years. It is America ‘s largest and oldest fraternity, and one that continues to be an important part of many men’s personal lives and growth.

Although Freemasonry is not a religion, its emphasis on the Fatherhood of God ensures that the Brotherhood of Man follows naturally. This coupled with the obligation to abide by the Golden Rule, particularly with a fellow Mason, makes for one of the strongest bonds of society. When you meet another Mason, the odds that he will treat you as you would like to be treated are very high indeed.

Who are Masons?

Freemasons come from all walks of life – from the rich and famous to the poor and obscure. Masons are men who have joined together to improve themselves. The latter is accomplished through the principles and ceremonies of the fraternity and the application of those in their homes, in their work, and in their communities. They endeavor to extend Masonic lessons into their daily lives in order to become positive influences in their homes, communities, nation, and throughout the world. They base their efforts on morality, justice, charity, ... view more »

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